Monday, February 28, 2011

The cost of NOT getting gas

   My brother is the cheapest person I know. He's even worse than my mom and that says something. He's cheap to a point where it affects other people around him. He loves going to concerts and a lot of his friends aren't as enthusiastic as he is. So, he usually has to continuously ask the same people and will offer to find cheap tickets online. Not only does this save them money but his friends usually don't have the money up front so he kind of HAS to get both tickets. Once the concert is over, he will begin every one if the conversations asking for the money he fronted. There is no grace period with him.

  Although, most recently it has even ruined his car. He likes to avoid gas stations so he will run his gas tank to its lowest point possible. A few days ago he ran out of gas on his way home. I don't care who you are, if you have enough money you should not ever run out of gas. What's even worse is that he works right next to a gas station. So my mom found an empty gas tank at our house, filled it up, and brought it to my brother. But wait, there's more. The gas tank has been outside for months in the rain. Therefore, water was still in the tank mixed with the gasoline which then went into my brother's car. Now, his car constantly shakes when he turns it on. Luckily he was smart enough to realize that this was not a good thing and got it towed to the dealership.

   No one should ever have their car run out of gas when you work next to a gas station. Lesson learned bro, I'm gonna go back to being selfish.

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