Charlie Sheen made it pretty clear with his statement "I'm on a drug. It's called Charlie Sheen." I'm not exactly sure of the meaning of this reference. I have three explanations. One, he is poking fun at the media and this publicity 'disaster' (He's getting great ratings right now so yes, disaster will stay in quotes). Second, he's high on himself because he thinks he is more awesome than everyone else and doesn't care what you think. Third, this is all a publicity stunt to gain ratings. This is how the world works, there really is no such thing as bad publicity. What makes someone a star? Their name known to the most people possible.
Okay, so everyone thinks he is crazy and hates him and CBS is going to kick him off the show. Riddle me this, do you really think people will stop watching the show if they keep this insane, bi-polar, drugged up mess? I don't think so. Like I mentioned before, ratings. I personally think MORE people will watch the show. I don't believe anyone has the common sense and standards of morality to think 'Well I'm not going to support his shenanigans'. People are dumb. Look at Jersey Shore, The Real World, Real Housewives of insertrandomlocationhere. Can you really call these shows quality TV? It's all drama, drama, drama. We love to see other people unhappy to make us think that our lives aren't so bad. I do partake in watching some of these shows, but pretty much have to because my girlfriend loves that garbage (not pronounced gahbage even though I'm from Jersey). I don't say anything because I don't care that much and just laugh to myself about these people. Once the show is over and they have millions of dollars, they'll know what sadness really means. They'll run out of things to buy and resort to drugs to 'get more out of life'. Only those who have worked hard for their money gain a sense of purpose and worth. I have to wonder with Sheen in this state, is he happy? Or is he losing his mind and putting up that macho front to retain his sense of masculinity? You're the man, Sheen. I'm enjoying your breakdown.
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